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This video of Boeing preparing its 787-9 Dreamliner for the 2015 Paris Air Show has been making the rounds, primarily due to the shared awe at the near-verticality of this take off.

Maybe I’m reading into things too much, but doesn’t it look like this plane is being flown with absolute joy? It must be an incredibly liberating moment for a commercial airline pilot to be able to fly a bird this big as it wants to be flown– and without having to worry about bouncing hundreds of people around in the back.

A great idea and very generous offer from travel journalist extraordinaire, Sophy Roberts:

The concept behind her Fair Exchange Travel Service is simple – Send Sophy an email with the details of a trip you’re planning and she’ll send you recommendations on where to stay, what to avoid, and contacts for selected regional travel specialists.

In return, you agree to make a donation of any size to Facing Africa, a group that funds complex reconstructive surgeries for African children afflicted with Noma, an acute and ravaging gangrenous infection affecting the face.

It is an incredibly worthy cause and I think, not surprisingly for a group which Sophy supports, also exemplifies some of the most positive aspects of travel: Each surgical mission brings skilled help into Ethiopia, training for local doctors, and donates medical equipment before returning home.

Things don’t get much easier – or better – than this.

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