
This is a place for
Modern-Day Explorers

I’m Justin Lancy and I want to welcome you to Traveler Tech. This website is very much a scratching at my own itches: I’ve been an avid traveler for years. I circle the globe, going wherever my curiosity leads me.

A statement like that, though, doesn’t really capture all the nuts-and-bolts details that go into moving around the planet, planning journeys, and working from the road. It takes work to find inspiring places and experiences to make all those rides in planes, trains, and automobiles worthwhile – and even more to stay connected to the people that I love while I do.

On Traveler Tech, I intend to balance the “How” of things with the “Why” of things. I’m going to review products and services that I like and talk about the places that I love. I will talk about how to find a great hotel room for a good price, but also what makes a hotel “great”. I will talk about how to maximize your frequent flier points and about some of the awe-inspiring places that you can use them to visit.

I hope that the articles and links that I share will be useful to you. I hope that the photos that I post inspire you to see the world and share my sense of wonder and joy in exploring it.